venerdì 30 maggio 2014

Cross cultural management

Venerdì 30 Maggio 2014 ore 9-11
Aula Magna Pacinotti Ingegneria
Largo Lazzarino Pisa

  • aziende multiculturali
  • carriere globali
  • opportunità di internazionalizzazione per ingegneri
  • programmi dell'Università di Pisa
  • casi di fraintendimento e imbarazzi...

Prof. Alessandra Guidi
Veterinaria Università di Pisa
Prorettore per l'internazionalizzazione

Prof. Franco Favilli
Matematica Università di Pisa
Direttore CAFRE Università di Pisa

Prof. Massimo Ceraolo
Scuola di Ingegneria

Prof. Donato Aquaro
Ingegneria Civile e Industriale Università di Pisa
Direttore DICI

Tavola rotonda
Dott.ssa Sonia Bernicchi
Le relazioni con i clienti
Export Manager IcP Industria Cartaria Pieretti

Dott. Federico Calzolari

Dott. Serena Gianfaldoni
Fraintendimenti e stereotipi
Laboratorio di Ricerca Sociale Università di Pisa

Prof. Marco Giannini
Economia e Management Università di Pisa

Dott.ssa Rossana Gravina
Università di Firenze

Avv. Adarosa Ruffini
Le regole del partenariato
Capo Delegazione per l'Italia ISO/PC 286: Collaborative Business Relationship Framework Standard

Ing. Elena Tadolini
I rapporti con i fornitori
General Electric Oil & Gas

Prof. Michele Lanzetta
Ingegneria Civile e Industriale Università di Pisa

In collaborazione con

Boston Consulting Group

Presentazione a laureandi/laureati delle opportunità lavorative in gruppo multinazionale di consulenza aziendale
Aula Magna Dini Venerdì 30 Maggio 2014 h 14:30

Info e registrazione

giovedì 29 maggio 2014

martedì 20 maggio 2014

Conferenza su GE Oil&Gas - Ing. A. Pelleriti - Direttore costi indiretti

  • Presentazione multinazionale GE

  • Quality Management System

  • Customer certification
  • Pianificazione della produzione
  • Operations Management Leadership Program (tirocini, assunzioni e mobilità interna)

Ing. Andrea Pelleriti

Nuovo Pignone, GE Oil & Gas

Martedì 20 Maggio 2014

Ore 14:45-17:45 Aula Magna Pacinotti

Un'opportunità per conoscere meglio una realtà produttiva eccellente della nostra regione


mercoledì 7 maggio 2014

Seminario prof. Stephen Wright “Optimization Methods for Data Analysis”

Mercoledì 7 maggio, ore 14:30
Aula Pacinotti, Scuola di Ingegneria

"Optimization Methods for Data Analysis"
Prof. Stephen J. Wright
University of Wisconsin - Madison

The field of optimization is providing important tools for formulating and solving problems in data analysis and machine learning. These applications are driving fundamental optimization research in new and interesting directions. In this talk, we give an overview of the interactions between optimization and data analysis. We discuss several canonical problems in data analysis and several techniques from optimization that are relevant to these applications. We then show how the optimization techniques are "mixed and matched" to address the data analysis problems.

Short Biography
Stephen J. Wright is a Professor of Computer Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His research interests lie in computational optimization and its applications to many areas of science and engineering. Prior to joining UW-Madison in 2001, Wright was a Senior Computer Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory (1990-2001), and was a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Chicago (2000-2001). During 2007-2010, he served as chair of the Mathematical Optimization Society (the leading professional society in optimization), and he served the maximum three terms as an elected member of the Board of Trustees of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). He is a Fellow of SIAM. He also serves on the Science Advisory Board of the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics.
Prof. Wright is the author or coauthor of widely used text / reference books in optimization including "Primal Dual Interior-Point Methods" (SIAM, 1997) and "Numerical Optimization" (2nd Edition, Springer, 2006, with J. Nocedal). He has also authored 100 refereed journal papers on optimization theory, algorithms, software, and applications, along with over 50 refereed conference papers and book chapters. He is coauthor of widely used software for linear programming (PCx) and quadratic programming (OOQP) based on interior-point methods, and GPSR and SpaRSA for compressed sensing. His paper on SpaRSA won the Baker Paper Prize from IEEE for best paper in any archival publication of that society in the period 2009-2011.
Prof. Wright serves on the editorial boards of the leading journals in optimization (SIAM Journal on Optimization and Mathematical Programming, Series A). He will become editor-in-chief of SIAM Journal on Optimization in September 2014. He is currently section editor of SIAM Review. His recent research has encompassed algorithms for fundamental optimization paradigms, as well as applications in such fields as machine learning and computational biology.

lunedì 5 maggio 2014

​Enhancing Ammonia Removal in Constructed Treatment Wetlands

Il giorno Giovedì 8 Maggio p.v. alle ore 12.00 presso l'Aula IDR1 (1° piano sede  di via C.F. Gabba 22 del Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Energia, dei Sistemi, del Territorio e delle Costruzioni)

il prof. Marc Watson Beutel
(Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, USA)

terrà una conferenza dal titolo:

Enhancing Ammonia Removal in Constructed Treatment Wetlands

per informazioni e contatti: Prof. Renato Iannelli

Marc Beutel

Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, USA



Enhancing Ammonia Removal in Constructed Treatment Wetlands


The presentation will begin with an overview of the nitrogen cycle and a discussion of nitrate removal in a constructed treatment wetland in Washington's Yakima Valley that treats row crop irrigation runoff. The presentation will then discuss results of a laboratory experiment to enhance ammonia removal via oxygen addition to surface-flow wetland mesocosms. While constructed treatment wetlands are efficient at removing nitrate from wastewaters, they are much less effective at removing ammonia. Oxygen addition was expected to alleviate this limitation. Oxygen addition increased ammonia removal rates by an order of magnitude. Oxygen addition also lead to a significant increase in ammonia oxidation potential in wetland sediment, with levels in oxygenated wetland sediments 2–3 orders of magnitude higher than those reported in the literature. Phylogenic analysis of sediment revealed substantial differences in microbial diversity in oxygenated and non-oxygenated wetlands, including the presence of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (Nitrosomonas oligotropha) and denitrifying bacteria only in oxygenated wetland sediment. Results show that oxygen-activated nitrification wetlands, a hybrid of conventional oxygenation technology and wetland ecotechnology, hold promise in economically enhancing rates of ammonia removal and shrinking the wetland area needed to polish ammonia-dominated secondary effluent. The presentation will end with a brief discussion of a proposed field study to assess greenhouse gas emissions from a large constructed treatment wetland in southern California that treats nitrate-rich river water prior to percolation into a groundwater basin used for drinking water.




Marc Beutel is an associate professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Washington State University, in Pullman, Washington, USA. He earned a B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a M.S. and Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. He has also worked as a staff engineer at a large water utility and as a senior engineer at a national water resources consulting firm. Dr. Beutel's research focuses on the control of dilute pollutants in surface waters, including mercury in lakes and reservoirs. He has published over two-dozen peer reviewed articles and has performed research funded by multiple agencies including the National Science Foundation. He can be contacted at




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